Smart Businesses Pursue Diversity of Thought

Renee Ure
4 min readFeb 15, 2021
Graphic of a smiley face thinking about ‘Diverse Thought’ for Renee Ure’s article on the value of ‘Diversity of Thought’ in business.
A diverse workforce brings new ideas to your business.

A business will end up in the waste paper basket if it fails to adapt. Harsh, I know, but I do not want to sugar-coat my words. Extinction is a serious subject.

I believe the key issue that prevents a business from adapting to new market conditions is a lack of talent diversity. If everyone in an organization thinks the same, where will new ideas come from to help the business innovate and deliver new value to customers? If diversity of thought dries up… extinction will not be far behind.

Diverse People Equals Diverse Thoughts

Diversity and inclusion goals make sense. They increase representation of people of all backgrounds — gender, race, ethnicity, ability, and orientation. Plus, organizations who pursue diversity and inclusion prove they are good global citizens. Providing more opportunities for more people is the right thing to do.

There is an often-overlooked benefit of hiring different people. When you do, your organization becomes smarter and more imaginative than it was before. These are essential qualities to compete in the global marketplace.

In the supply chain and operations world, we must continue to adapt if we want to build resilience and meet the challenges of disruption. This means adopting new technologies to help us work smarter and more efficiently.

There is an often-overlooked benefit of hiring different people. When you do, your organization becomes smarter and more imaginative than it was before.

Without the technical skills, creativity, and imagination that diversity of thought brings us, it is impossible to successfully apply new technologies like machine learning, A.I., and predictive analytics to age old business challenges.

New technology can do little without talented people. A diverse workforce brings new ideas about how to apply technology in new ways.

Diversity Strengthens Your Strategy

Near and dear to my heart is business strategy. A good strategy will help your organization face the future with confidence. Building a solid one requires you and your team to anticipate and imagine different scenarios.

I repeatedly tell my team to think several steps ahead when it comes to their strategic thinking. That always helped me in my career and is a key ingredient of a great strategy. However, if we all think the same, how can we be confident we have considered different possibilities and built a bold strategy?

You do not want to be the smartest person in the room. It is better to have a lot of smart people in the room.

Sameness brings comfort, but that is the enemy of a good business strategy. I maintain your strategy should scare the living daylights out of you. This is where diversity of thought is your friend. People who think differently and can entertain different scenarios will strengthen your business strategy.

Seek Out New Voices

You do not want to be the smartest person in the room. It is better to have a lot of smart people in the room. This will create an environment where ideas are challenged and fully explored.

One way I like to challenge our thinking is by inviting people from outside our organization to talk to my team on a variety of topics — A.I., data analytics, circular economy, blockchain, etc. I am always on the lookout for different subject matter experts to speak to us to help differentiate our thinking and amplify our value to our clients.

An additional way to seek out new voices is to expand your idea of where you can hire people from. Remember, diverse thinkers also have a diversity of experience! Rather than only post a job ad and hope for the best, consider looking for:

  • People who are still at university
  • People from the armed forces
  • People who already work for your organization in other departments
  • People from your competitors

Also, make time to mentor different people too who will contribute to the diversity of thought on your team.

What are you waiting for? Pursue diversity of thought. It will strengthen your culture, prepare you for the unexpected and provide you and your team a unique competitive advantage that cannot be replicated.

About the Author

Renee Ure is Lenovo Data Center Group’s Chief Operating Officer. She leads a team of diverse thinkers responsible for internal operations and efficiency, cost, expense, transformation, supply chain & procurement with a mission to become the most trusted data center partner on the globe. Start a conversation with Renee here, on LinkedIn, or on Twitter.



Renee Ure

Chief Operating Officer for Lenovo’s Data Center Group